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Marc Jacobs


The Magazine Fragrance, have they finally got it?

November 18, 2013

I’ts not all doom and gloom in the Magazine department, (despite my epic ramblings at Marie Claire) since Gem and I rely heavily on these for new releases of cosmetics and shiny samples for bargainous prices, I find myself getting through an awful lot of them.


Remember the old days of Mags, when there was a “scratch and sniff” page, or you lifted the flap and were encouraged to smell? Only to find that by the time you had got round to reading the last magazine in your mammoth pile, all you did smell was glossy paper covered in ink?

samples perfume

Well time’s have changed when it comes to advertising fragrances in Mags and I have to say … I like it. I’f I’m honest, I never used to bother that much with taking note of fragrances, but since their redesign I’m hooked! Since the key to both Gem and my hearts are through packaging, my previously disinterested self (and bank balance) has reared it’s head at this and is finally taking note. Fragrances I want you all!


It’s not just the perfumes, it’s the advertising that goes with it. Marc Jacobs (who I admit I absolutely adore and my lovely Daddy buys me each year) have a full page advert, covered by a beautiful piece of “daisy” plastic over the top. I’ve already ripped this out and fully intend on using it for all of the crafts.


sample close up kp

sample close up

This new world order of tiny samples, or stuck on envelopes takes me to a new level of fragrance experience. The better the packaging, the more I want to pull the page out and keep it on my “may buy later pile” … and pull out the pages I have! Hold onto your hats ladies, this could be a start of something expensive … not only will I have to save an infinite amount of pennies for cosmetics, but I’m now going to be lusting after perfume!!!

So stay tunes my fellow beauty and fragrance lovers, I fear that 2014 is going to be very smelly indeed.

Totally hellbent for packaging and marketing … always
