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Fit Bites

Vegan, Vegetarian

The Vegan Kind #TVK16 February 2015 Review

February 17, 2015


Yes it’s here, it’s here. This month’s #TVK16 box which I have to say, had me squealing with delight! For those unfamiliar with this box, I’ll start with my usual spiel – The Vegan Kind is a Vegan (obviously!) lifestyle box that contains between 5-6 products, one of which is usually a non edible item. Each month they donate 10p from every box sold to a charity chosen by subscriber’s. This month it is the Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary, run by two vegan’s.

So zero rambling and on with the most exciting contents;


FitBites – 50g (RRP £2.30)

Let’s start with my most disliked – the one with the dates and raisins in. I say that, but these two little balls (giggle) actually look incredible delcious (double giggle).Another raw treat containing raisins, date paste, prunes, almonds, figs, coconut, sunflower seed and maca. This is what I would usually call the “post workout snack”, the one that is slightly better for you than all the other stuff in the box. Funnily enough Fit Bites seem’s to have been started by two fitness fanatics too. I’m looking forward to having a nibble on these though, and I’ll definitely share it with my other half, who always end’s up having to eat all the raising filled products from this box. (Which I can assure you he doesn’t mind one bit!)

You can check out the other “balls” available here.


White Rabbit Skincare – Toning Eye Cream – 15ml (RRP £8.00)

I’ve been meaning to take a look at White Rabbit Skin care and see what delights they have for a few weeks now. I’ve been using their cleansing lotion for some time which smells good enough to eat so I’m ecstatic to have received another of their products in this month’s box. Packed with lot’s of natural ingredients and promising to tighten and firm the eye area as well as reducing circles and puffiness, the generous 15ml will be going a long way.

Check out the White Rabbit shop here.


Eat Real – Quinoa Chips Sour Cream & Chive Flavour – 30g (RRP£0.79)

Quinoa crisps? What next? In fairness I love quinoa and I tend to enjoy most sour cream and chive flavoured products. My only problem with all these delicious alternative crisps such as sweet potato or quinoa, is that they have such a high calorific and fat content compared to other crisps that I feel a surge of guilt when eating them. This can be somewhat rectified however by only eating half a bag at a time though!

For lot’s of waist line expanding muches you can visit their site here.


Supernutrients Banana Powder – 150g (RRP £4.00)

I am definitely one to start the day off with a strawberry, banana and soya milk smoothie. I’ve never tried banana powder but I really like how there are no added ingredients to this, other than banana powder. Good for sprinkling over deserts or putting into milkshakes and smoothies I’m looking forward to giving this a go. I reckon it’s great for adding a little sweetness to some Vegan Oat pancakes too. Perhaps I’ll make a mental note to do some experimenting so I can share some recipes.


Freedom Mallows Choc Dip – 62g (RRP £2.49)

If you’re Vegan or Vegetarian, you’ll know that there are lot’s of yummy things we can’t eat because they have revolting things such as pork and beef gelatine in. For those of you who don’t know, gelatine is made up of skin, bones and connective tissue from animals. Marshmallows are one of those that contain this ingredient, which is so sad because I bloody loved marshmallows in my pre Veggie/Vegan days. My first taste of Freedom Mallows was a pretty long time ago and they are absolutely amazing. They are the best Vegan alternative I have ever tasted so when I pulled this out of my box, I squealed with delight and even had to put a cheeky pic on instagram for fear that I may eat the contents before I had time to photograph the box. Much to my own disbelief, I still haven’t eaten these but I will be savoring them with every bite and scoop of dipping chocolate.


This month’s recipe card is again from Fresh Heather – if you haven’t checked out her site yet, you must. Each time I pop on there, my mouth salivates and I basically wan’t to eat the whole world. I haven’t decided which one of her recipes I’m going to try first as there are so many, but this month’s #TVK16 recipe features a scrumptious looking super green smoothie. Perfect for practicing your smoothie making ready for summer (or all year round if you’re anything like me.)

We were also treated to a Beyond Skin Discount Voucher in this box, which entitled us to 25% off our first order. Beyond skin are an ethical footwear brand, which are currently for women only, but it looks like there is a men’s line in the works! If you’d like to check out some of their products you can do so here.

I know last month I mentioned that most of the products weren’t new to me and I’d had them in different boxes in the past, but this month has more than made up for that. (I really don’t mind the return of Freedom Mallows or White Rabbit at all!) #TVK16 however is fantastic and I can’t wait to clock up some exercise points so I can stuff my face.

If you would like to get your hands on a Vegan Kind box, you can do so here for just £10 a month plus p & p. They also have a beauty box which is available quarterly here.

Have you had this month’s #TVK16 yet? Are you thinking of subscribing, or just hoping to make a few changes to your life that are more cruelty free? If so, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

