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Baked Egg and Mushroom recipe

News, Recipes, Vegetarian

How do you like your eggs in the morning? – Baked with Mushrooms!

September 20, 2013


No make up here today, just a lovely easy to make Breakfast recipe!

Since working from home with Brains for his Web Design and Development company BIOSTALL, I have the luxury of actually having cooked breakfast in the morning should I so desire.

I love cooking and I especially love baking so I’m always trying out new recipes and throwing stuff together to see what happens. So here is a recipe I tried for the first time the other day – Baked eggs with bacon and mushrooms.

You will need:

  • 1-2 eggs per person
  • Fresh Chives
  • 3-4 Button Mushrooms or 1-2 Breakfast Mushroom’s per person (remove the stalks)
  • Veggie Bacon (or real Bacon if you so desire)
  • Some Cheese (<obviously)
  • A smidgen of oil
  • Muffin/Cake tray

What to do:

  • Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5/190 degrees (for those of us with electric ovens, you might need to go up to 200)
  • Oil 1-2 muffin holes per person (*snigger*) and place 3-4 button mushrooms or one Breakfast mushroom in each, putting them in the over for around 5 minutes
  • Take out of the oven, place the Veggie bacon underneath the mushroom to form a little “holder”.
  • Sprinkle half he cheese and chives over the mushroom and crack an egg into each muffin hole.
  • Sprinkle the rest of the cheese and chives over the top and put back in the oven for 10-15 minutes, depending on how well you like your eggs.
  • Dish up on some toast, or muffins … or eat it as it is!
  • Bon Appetit!

For an extra healthy kick, I had mine with some hot water and lemon!

Totally hellbent for quick and easy morning dining
